PCT Day 10: Stehekin rush

Monday, July 16 2018

Rainy Pass Trailhead (61.2) – High Bridge Ranger Station (80.7): 19.5 miles / 110.6 total miles walked

Today was a race day. In order to make it into Stehekin at a decent time (while the bakery was still open) I had to catch the 3pm shuttle bus from High Bridge.

I woke up at 4:30 and after an annoying nosebleed started walking at 5:15. And didn’t really stop…

Continue reading “PCT Day 10: Stehekin rush”

PCT Day 9: Water, water everywhere….and almost a 20

Sunday, July 15 2018

Brush Creek (43.2) – Rainy Pass Trailhead (61.2): 18 miles / 91.1 total miles walked

Phew….what a day! I didn’t really sleep well, with the campsite being all slanted, and my head full of dreams and flashbacks…so when my alarm went off at 5:30 I really didn’t feel like hiking. But I got up and out of camp, walking by 6 am anyway.

Continue reading “PCT Day 9: Water, water everywhere….and almost a 20”

PCT Day 8: Onwards we march

Saturday, July 14 2018

Hart’s Pass (30.6) – Brush Creek (43.2): 12.6 miles / 73.1 total miles walked

We got up super early this morning to be able to hitch up to Hart’s Pass as soon as possible. PK was already making breakfast when I came down from the loft and I was able to shower and then have coffee and Mexican scramble (eggs, cheese, hamburger, topped with salsa and avocado).

Continue reading “PCT Day 8: Onwards we march”

PCT Day 1 : Well….I guess I’m actually going to do this thing

Saturday, July 7 2018

Mile marker 2620.93 – Mile marker 2625.93: 5 miles / 5 total miles walked

Alright boys and girls…..I made it to the beginning. Finally 😄 After a few plane rides, two days in a car and a lot of anxiety, I can at last start walking.

J and J dropped me off at Ravensongs Roost in Mazama, which is an amazing place. There were a few people there who have already tagged the border and will be on their way south soon.

Although I originally planned to stay the night and head out in the morning, Broken Toe was driving up to Hart’s Pass in the afternoon and I decided to go for it.

Continue reading “PCT Day 1 : Well….I guess I’m actually going to do this thing”

Outdoor Survival Day

So I’ve had these coupons laying around….for the last 2 years 😂 and since I won’t be in Germany for the second half of 2018 and they’ll expire by the end of the year I needed to get around to using them….like NOW.

The coupons are from MYDAYS, an online platform where you can choose from various experiences, from a candle-light dinner to offroading in a tank. I chose the middle ground by selecting an Outdoor Survival Day.

The registration was easy and I got my confirmation by email pretty quickly. The event was held by a company called simply outdoor and took place in an area around Burg Prunn, close to Riedenburg in Bavaria, Germany on May 26, 2018. Continue reading “Outdoor Survival Day”

R2R2R – Day 3

My feet are tingling, going numb at times, and then itching again, all through the night. my calves are THROBBING. But other than that I sleep well, in intervals, with a soft breeze blowing through, at times too hot, and then cuddling with my puffy new quilt (which I absolutely ADORE). I did not set an alarm, waking up naturally with the sunlight, at around 6 am. Continue reading “R2R2R – Day 3”

R2R2R – Day 2

Being back on my sleeping pad, with a constant breeze around me, and the night sounds about, really messed up my sleep pattern. But I woke up relatively fresh at 5:30am and my feet were feeling surprisingly good.

Breakfast was oatmeal with dehydrated peaches and mango, which was alright, until I added powdered peanut butter…..and then breakfast was sublime…yum.

I headed out around 6:30 and the first 1.4 miles to the water faucet went by very quickly. Continue reading “R2R2R – Day 2”