PCT Day 13: Don’t drop trou in the middle of the trail / Little furry visitor / Attack by shoe

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Cedar Camp (90.3) – Tentsite mile 109.4: 19.1 miles / 139.3 total miles walked

I actually slept like a log…..until I was jerked awake in the middle of the night by some creature with tiny feet walking up my arm (I was sleeping on my stomach with my arm outstretched). I jerked my arm and flung the little furry away. I think it was probably a Chipmunk, it sure felt bigger than a mouse.

Continue reading “PCT Day 13: Don’t drop trou in the middle of the trail / Little furry visitor / Attack by shoe”

PCT Day 12: Welcome to the magical forest of giants

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

High Bridge Ranger Station (80.7) – Cedar Camp (90.3): 9.6 miles / 120.2 total miles walked

I woke up at around 5 and finally managed to get a hold of my mom. We couldn’t talk long, but at least she knows I’m alive 😁.

At 8:15 most of the hikers in town got on the shuttle bus, saying goodbye to Naked River (and Stehekin), eagerly waiting for the 10 minute stop at the bakery.

Continue reading “PCT Day 12: Welcome to the magical forest of giants”

PCT Day 11: Zero in Stehekin

Tuesday, July 17 2018

Stehekin, Washington: 0 miles / 110.6 total miles walked

Taking care of the food for the next section, sending anything leftover ahead to Cascade Locks. Eating another good meal at the restaurant and hanging out with other hikers. Occasionally cooling off in the lake and generally just enjoying doing nothing…..and a lot of the Internets 😄

PCT Day 10: Stehekin rush

Monday, July 16 2018

Rainy Pass Trailhead (61.2) – High Bridge Ranger Station (80.7): 19.5 miles / 110.6 total miles walked

Today was a race day. In order to make it into Stehekin at a decent time (while the bakery was still open) I had to catch the 3pm shuttle bus from High Bridge.

I woke up at 4:30 and after an annoying nosebleed started walking at 5:15. And didn’t really stop…

Continue reading “PCT Day 10: Stehekin rush”

PCT Day 9: Water, water everywhere….and almost a 20

Sunday, July 15 2018

Brush Creek (43.2) – Rainy Pass Trailhead (61.2): 18 miles / 91.1 total miles walked

Phew….what a day! I didn’t really sleep well, with the campsite being all slanted, and my head full of dreams and flashbacks…so when my alarm went off at 5:30 I really didn’t feel like hiking. But I got up and out of camp, walking by 6 am anyway.

Continue reading “PCT Day 9: Water, water everywhere….and almost a 20”

PCT Day 8: Onwards we march

Saturday, July 14 2018

Hart’s Pass (30.6) – Brush Creek (43.2): 12.6 miles / 73.1 total miles walked

We got up super early this morning to be able to hitch up to Hart’s Pass as soon as possible. PK was already making breakfast when I came down from the loft and I was able to shower and then have coffee and Mexican scramble (eggs, cheese, hamburger, topped with salsa and avocado).

Continue reading “PCT Day 8: Onwards we march”

PCT Day 7: Zero in Mazama

Friday, July 13 2018

Mazama: 0 miles / 60.5 total miles walked

Resting, Food and hanging out with good people….nuff said.

Keeping you posted…